2018 SUmmit
Promoting Well-Being for Adolescent and Young Adult Males
On June 7 and 8, 2018 over 100 national leaders from a range of interests and disciplines met in Washington, DC to participate in the National Summit on Adolescent and Young Adult Male Health. The groundbreaking summit was sponsored by the Partnership for Male Youth, the first national organization whose sole mission is to address the unique and unmet health-related needs of young males. The summit was supported through grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Allergan Foundation, Gilead and Merck. The summit was planned with advice and input from over 40 national organizations that serve male youth.
The summit was held to begin laying the groundwork for the Campaign for Male Youth. This marked the first time that stakeholders from disparate interests and disciplines convened in a national forum to discuss how they can work together, specifically through the Campaign for Male Youth, to ensure that young males thrive physically, mentally and in their life goals.
Young males were an integral part of the summit, participating in both panel presentations and workgroup sessions. As one participant described their presence: “The experts brought the science to the conversation; the young men brought the heart.”
Designed as a working event, the goal was to end it with a work product that could serve as the foundation for the Campaign. After two days of energetic discussions, that goal was met with enthusiastic support for the Campaign by the participating organizations as well as the youth.
By the time they reach puberty, 80% of all adolescents stop seeing a pediatrician. Females typically transition to the care of gynecologists. Males, however, typically cease interacting with the health care system until they are much older. As a result, they often engage in risky and other behaviors that lead to preventable disease and disability that can last a lifetime. This presents a dual challenge: to ensure access to care and to engage young males in conversations about their health.
Now the Partnership for Male Youth, in collaboration with other national organizations, is taking on this challenge in the form of the Campaign for Male Youth (“Campaign”).
This challenge involves far more than the health care system. The social determinants of health impact AYA males in ways that are often unique to their gender and contribute to health inequity. These determinants include income and social status, social support networks, education, employment/working conditions, social environments, physical environments, personal health practices and coping skills, healthy child development, gender and culture. Caregivers and advocates within these realms are often disconnected from those within the health care system. All stakeholders in young male health need to better understand the connection between these social determinants of health and health outcomes.
The Campaign is engaging these stakeholders in a collaborative effort to address the social determinants of health for young males. The purpose of the June summit was to begin the necessary cross-dialogue to make that happen.
The Summit
The summit was structured with four keynotes and four plenary panel presentations. The panel presentations were each followed by workgroup sessions of eight participants apiece. Each workgroup included a male youth and individuals were assigned to ensure stakeholder diversity. These groups were charged with making recommendations for the Campaign based on the subjects of the plenary panel sessions. At the conclusion of the two-day meeting, each workgroup presented their recommendations to the entire body of participants. Comments during the event and in a follow-up survey were uniformly positive, in terms of both the content and the event format.
The summit was held to begin laying the groundwork for the Campaign for Male Youth. This marked the first time that stakeholders from disparate interests and disciplines convened in a national forum to discuss how they can work together, specifically through the Campaign for Male Youth, to ensure that young males thrive physically, mentally and in their life goals.
Young males were an integral part of the summit, participating in both panel presentations and workgroup sessions. As one participant described their presence: “The experts brought the science to the conversation; the young men brought the heart.”
Designed as a working event, the goal was to end it with a work product that could serve as the foundation for the Campaign. After two days of energetic discussions, that goal was met with enthusiastic support for the Campaign by the participating organizations as well as the youth.
By the time they reach puberty, 80% of all adolescents stop seeing a pediatrician. Females typically transition to the care of gynecologists. Males, however, typically cease interacting with the health care system until they are much older. As a result, they often engage in risky and other behaviors that lead to preventable disease and disability that can last a lifetime. This presents a dual challenge: to ensure access to care and to engage young males in conversations about their health.
Now the Partnership for Male Youth, in collaboration with other national organizations, is taking on this challenge in the form of the Campaign for Male Youth (“Campaign”).
This challenge involves far more than the health care system. The social determinants of health impact AYA males in ways that are often unique to their gender and contribute to health inequity. These determinants include income and social status, social support networks, education, employment/working conditions, social environments, physical environments, personal health practices and coping skills, healthy child development, gender and culture. Caregivers and advocates within these realms are often disconnected from those within the health care system. All stakeholders in young male health need to better understand the connection between these social determinants of health and health outcomes.
The Campaign is engaging these stakeholders in a collaborative effort to address the social determinants of health for young males. The purpose of the June summit was to begin the necessary cross-dialogue to make that happen.
The Summit
The summit was structured with four keynotes and four plenary panel presentations. The panel presentations were each followed by workgroup sessions of eight participants apiece. Each workgroup included a male youth and individuals were assigned to ensure stakeholder diversity. These groups were charged with making recommendations for the Campaign based on the subjects of the plenary panel sessions. At the conclusion of the two-day meeting, each workgroup presented their recommendations to the entire body of participants. Comments during the event and in a follow-up survey were uniformly positive, in terms of both the content and the event format.